Here are the KEY points you should know to quickly learn Yeoman Generator.
1. You need to know - Javascript and module export feature.
2. 'generator' - is unfortunately a KEYWORD - which you should be using very unconventionally to your surprise.
Here are the places you must use 'generator' keyword.
Let us say your project name going to be - "myappcodegenerator", now,
- The app "Foder / Directory Name should HAVE the prefix : "generator-" .
- As per your example project the Folder name should be - "generator-myappcodegenerator"
- And inside this folder create a package.json (You can do it by 'npm init')
- You have to Edit package.json to change the value fo 'name:' to "generator-myappcodegenerator'
- Then to keep it simple create a folder - 'generators' .
- Inside 'generator-myappcodegenerator/generators' folder, you will put your code, the default executable file would be 'index.js'. So create an 'index.js' file.
- Inside 'index.js' include yeoman generator.
var Generator = require('yeoamn-generator');
- Then export your class like, module.exports
= class extends Generator {}
Then to keep it simple, add a simple function, myfunction() { this.log('method 1 just ran'); } - You must use 'this.log' instead of console.log - for reasons 'this' is the context of the yeoman-generator and you get to manipulate log info in your own user interface than console.log which uses systems console context.
Now do a step before you run (to map your local folder to global node packages - you will get it later) run this command :
npm linkNow to run the code (to generate) - this time, you only use the project name with out 'generator-' , ie. 'yo myappcodegenerator'
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