LLM on Mobile Phone : Mini Universal data and assistant running on an android smart phone Galaxy S23
Imagine a world where everyone has access to a mini #OpenAI's #ChatGPT on their mobile phone, answering any question on any topic, right from their local phone memory. No need for internet.
This is the future of #LLMs on mobile devices, and it's happening now.
#MLC-AI has created a way to install a 3 billion parameter #RedPajam #LLMModel on a #Galaxy #S23 smartphone. This is a powerful #LLM that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.
And it's all available on your phone, without the need for an internet connection.
This could have a profound impact on people all over the world.
Millions of suburban students who don't have access to the internet could now have access to a universal data source that can answer most of their questions.
Refugee camps around the world could also benefit from this technology, giving refugees access to information and resources that they might not otherwise have.
And people in remote areas, such as the ocean, mountains, or deserts, could now have access to the same information and resources as people in urban areas.
MLC-AI's technology is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we access and use information.
In the video I linked, you can see the amazing experience of using a mini #LLM on a mobile phone. It's truly a glimpse into the future.
I'm sure I'm one of the first 1000s of people to successfully install #MLC-LLM on a mobile device. Its an amazing experience to see it working on mobile phone! What can I say,
Welcome to the Future...
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