Form Validation in Angular.js - Quick and Simple method On Submit click - HTML5 Validation vs AngularJs Validation

  • Form Validation Before AngularJs:
    •  Validation done in java script or mostly with JQuery Validation .
    • JQuery Validation uses Html 'Class' attribute of any Html element to implement Validations, like Class = " required  "
    • And there were many different libraries to do simple and fancy validation - highlights in JQuery. 
  • HTML5 Validation:
    • In HTML5 you can add many element types and attributes like below to a HTML element for validations.
    • InputTypes:
      • email, url, number, color , date, datetime, datetime-local, month, search, tel, time, week, range
      • Ex: 
        Date: <input type="date" name="date" required> 
      • this will show a text box with a dropdown arrow for 'DatePicker' provided by the HTML5 supported browsers.
    • Attributes:   
      • required, pattern, placeholder, max, min, size,
    •  All these validations and required fields are enforced by the HTML5 supported Browsers when you click on Submit button.
    • Submit button OnClick - event will show markers to the required fields and invalid fields.
    • novalidate  - attribute tells the browser not to validate the form. 
    • CSS Style for Validation: You can style your validation alerts like this, (basically accessing the attributes)
      • input:required:invalid{border: 1px solid red;} 
      • This will show red border on all the invalid  'input' elements. 
  • AngularJs:
  •  AngularJs uses tons of directives (AngularJs Keywords or Syntax) that are all over in HTML, JavaScripts and in CSS.
  • Usually it starts with an 'ng-'
  • Simple and Quick Validation for all 'required' elements in AngularJs On Submit button click:  
  • Add the following in relevant pages.
    • In the form element:  
    • ng-submit="submitForm(someform.$valid);" novalidate
    • ex: <form   id="testform" name="testform"   ng-submit="submitForm(estform.$valid);" novalidate>
    • In the controller:  
    • $scope.submitForm = function(formvalid) {
      if (!formvalid)
      { alert("Form is invalid. Pl. check the fields for error and resubmit");}
            alert("Form is valid. Proceeding to submit.");
              SaveFormData();    //add this function to submit your data.
    • In the stylesheet : 
    • /*angular styles*/ .ng-invalid {
          border:  1px solid #f44d3c;
    • This will highlight a red border OnSubmit button click - all the elements contains 'required' attribute in them.



  1. Nice article. This article also explains how to show error message and show red color border for invalid input fields after submitting form using angularjs


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