Online and Free Team Foundation Version Control for all your source code

Most of the developers   don't use a  Source Control, Configuration Management and Team Collaboration system while developing small scale or even with the team.

Source control which helps you to save lots of time from code loss by IDE crash or System crash.
It Helps you to revert back to previous version or compare the versions at later point.
Checking-in often to a Source Control  helps you avoid lots of  code commented out in the source in between working code.

Also there is not an online service available for free . Most are free  only  for 'open  source projects' or you will have to pay. (Google code, codeplex, github, sourceforge, etc)

Looks like Microsoft is taking a great move in the right direction to catch up with the rocket fast  tech World.
Check out, a state of the art Source control online service is FREE for upto 5 users! (You can use with eclipse , android - any code you want, how cool is that?)

