
ListView change background color for selected items ( Xamarin - Android )

Touch Screen not working in Windows

Android - Xamarin - The name ‘Resource’ does not exist in the current context / Changing namespace issue

Android: Xamarin Studio: Cannot find: C:\Android\SDK\tools\..\platform-tools\aapt.exe

Xamarin Studio: Execution Failed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Android: No resource found that matches the given name (at background with value '@drawable/ xxxX')

Graph Data Modeling and Normalization

Visual Studio Error: The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters

Phonegap Install errors - npm Error: ENOENT

Checking signature with Gpg4win - Kleopatra - Error Set up at least one ceterificate server


Hr (horizontal line) style in FireFox vs IE vs Chrome - Simplest Simple feature doesn't work same - Hope you can save some time.

Open ID Connect vs OpenID 2.0 : Witness the difference

Thunderbird or Firefox extension - nsISimpleEnumerator

Developing Firefox or Thunderbird Extensions: Extensions Folder not found in profile folder or Extension not showing up in addons

Java 8 and Oracle : Create the Future?!

What happened to Online Team Foundation Service with Microsoft (

Online and Free Team Foundation Version Control for all your source code

onClick() does not work in jsfiddle or no results when run the code {"error": "Please use POST request"} on a href = ""

MD5 Hashed code differs by datatype in SQLServer HASHBYTES ( algm, str) function

Power Point Background image size out of frame or doesn't fit within the Slide

HTTP 1.1.302 / 302 Found ( Mostly for .css / js / images doesn't load)

Azure project files not opening / Unsupported This version of Visual Studio does not have

Entity Relation (E-R) Diagram and a Sequential Diagram Tips (Tools: SQL Management Stuido, Visual Stuido Architect)